A Little Surprise….

Being part of events, milestones, joy and excitement in other people’s lives is one of the best parts of my job. I get to celebrate and laugh and smile ( A LOT!) and share in the joy of others lives. How could this not be amazing? I was over the moon to be part of this big, long awaited, very excited news that this adorable little lady (and her parents) had to share! She is already, the best big sister and I have no doubt this will continue on. When I had my third daughter, her two older sisters were 5 & 8, and I enjoyed this “age gap” very much; they wanted to help, but also I had time with just the baby while they were at school. It was like the best of all the worlds! I am sure Big Sister M will be the same way, her sweetness was overwhelming and I couldn’t help but love her


Miss J


Little Miss M